Sunday, December 18, 2011

Super-Great Homebuying Secrets- Part 2: Job Loss Insurance now available for Home-buyers!!

The deals keep getting better and better and if necessity is the mother of invention, she's just busted out a winner. One of the biggest weights on any would-be home-buyer's mind is quite simply..."it really doesn't matter how low the interest rate is or what deal I get on a home, if I lose my job (and it's not a stretch these days) I can't pay for it". Now you have a lifeboat, well, more like a houseboat--up to six months of mortgage payments paid on a qualifying job loss while you concentrate on finding the next best thing in your career.

Mr. or Ms. Seller, does this sound like a fantastic value-added offering to your listing? Think it might attract some buyers' attention? You bet! Talk about a win-win scenario. I've got some great information for those of you that think this might offer some solutions for you.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Super-great Homebuying Secrets-Part 1: 203K Loans Make Dream Homes Possible Now!!

This is a great time to buy a home, but do you really know why? I mean besides the large inventory of reduced-priced houses available and rock-bottom interest rates there are so many programs available right now to make home-buying not only insanely affordable, but downright exciting. Many of you who have bought a home in the past (or happen to be HGTV junkies) have heard that you probably won't get EVERYTHING you want, so "let's prioritize". Normally good advice; however, with the 203K loan (an FHA product), you're able to purchase a home, add your upgrades, basement finish, whatever! and add it to your mortgage. The appraisal is based on your PROJECTED UPGRADES. You don't even have to use any particular contractor. It's a beautiful thing. So now I say...let's find a house in the right location for you, with good bones and turn it into your dreamhome! Holy smokes this is fun :)

Fine print: Obviously, you must be able to qualify for your home loan. I do know some Superman-genius-type mortgage brokers, so if you're "loan-curious" and want to see what you can do, I'm happy to give you some referrals. I promise, they won't pester you ;)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Confession the First: I Am Not a "D"

Let's face it...there is a distinct personality type that seems to be drawn (more than others) to the real estate industry. I both recognized and ignored that fact as I contemplated entering the field myself; I just knew that I would be different. As it so happened, there was a quantifiable personality profile I was encouraged to explore almost immediately upon entering my training. All of us newbies sat down and doggedly considered each question and answer on this Cosmo-style quiz knowing very well that there WERE right answers to this "no wrong answer" quiz. We had heard the buzz around the office, a "D" was an admirable result for someone with hopes of succeeding in real estate. Since I had already signed my contract with the managing broker, I figured I might as well answer honestly and see what happens. As my sweet coach tallied my results, she put on her game face and smiled as she gave me the news..."You are not a D", she said in a sympathetic tone. "You are a high S-I, which means you may have some hurdles to overcome if you are to fully implement all of the recommended training to get you to the top." Yikes-what does that mean?

Well, according the DISC Profile, S-I's express enthusiasm, take action and encourage collaboration, as well as give support and maintain stability. S-I's are motivated by cooperation, opportunities to help and friendly relationships. That sounds like a HORRIBLE real estate agent to me. Who wants someone to be kind and thoughtful, ease the stresses of buying/selling a home, listen to what you want and actually try to find it? Yep, I'm different from the D's, but it's my shame and I'm learning to live with it. (wink, wink)

My sweet coach was right, those training methods just didn't gel with me. So, you can call me at 9:45 in the morning during what should be my "pester your friends and family for business and cold-call strangers hoping for one yes out of 99 no's" lead generation time. I'll probably answer and be glad to chat about anything. I AM different and have dedicated my career to selling with soul. I'm excited about my choice and I love it, even when I'm not getting a paycheck!

PS...this post is in no way a hack on any of you D's out there-I know and love many of you! I'm just trying to point out that I'm a different type of Realtor for clients who want a choice.